This Is Your Trial cancelled due to Covid-19

This is not the update we wanted to make.

Unfortunately we have had to cancel our season of This Is Your Trial and This Is Your Trial KIDS at Perth FRINGE WORLD.

Western Australia closed its borders to Queensland due to the Covid-19 UK strain case in Brisbane in early January. Even if we could get permission to get across, we'd be required to self-isolate for two weeks - which is of course when our season is scheduled.

We deeply apologise to Perth supporters - FRINGE WORLD will organise a full refund of your tickets.

This was going to be our fifth year in a row at FRINGE WORLD - only the Brisbane Comedy Festival has hosted more Act React shows. We love our annual pilgrimages west, the incredible audiences, and of course our annual attempts for Quokka selfies on Rottnest.

We'll continue to keep working to get shows back up again - thank you for your support while we navigate this strange new world.

Meanwhile you can take a look at some This Is Your Trial pictures and footage on our shows page.

Natalie Bochenski

Writer. Performer. Mother of Kittens. Clumsy person.


The importance of being WASTED & the great grandiosa


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